Creating next generation physicians, paving the way for academic glory

College of Medicine

Creating next-generation physicians for academic glory at TAU’s college of medicine is one of the top Caribbean medical schools in the country.

Texila American University, College of Medicine (TAU) is a private medical university in Guyana, South America. Guyana is a country where the Caribbean meets South America the only English-speaking country in South America and is known for its lush and thick rain forest.

Texila medical school in Guyana is one of the fastest-growing and well recognized medical college in Guyana and listed in one of the top Caribbean medical schools in the country.

The constantly evolving healthcare needs of the world can only be addressed by expert medical professionals with sound knowledge and competent skills in their fields. To meet this growing demand, Texila American University’s College of Medicine offers its medical degree programs in the Caribbean.

The healthcare industry remains a constant witness to progressive research that results in better understanding of diseases and treatments. This changing scenario necessitates a new genre of highly qualified medical practitioners who are flexible enough to adapt to these changes.

  • To lead in advancing human health through best clinical care, innovative research and education of health professionals in modern medicine in a culture that supports diversity, inclusion, critical thinking and creativity.
  • To create health professionals for excellence in the contemporary world of tomorrow.
  • To create doctors with compassion for the poor and rich alike.
  • To instill excitement of health science in young minds.
  • To generate awareness in application of health science and wellness for the welfare of society.
  • To provide a supportive global learning and research environment in health and allied sciences rising above the geographical and cultural boundaries.

Message from the Dean

I am delighted to welcome you all to the Texila American University College of Medicine (TAU COM) the best Caribbean medical school and looking forward to guide you towards your journey to become model physicians and community leaders. Everything we do here at TAU COM, including our strategies and curriculum, is driven by one factor, serving humanity as a whole. Going by the same principle we are proud to have a student body which comes from 26 different countries bringing their culture and uniqueness under one roof.

Having such diverse student body is both a pleasure and challenge at the same time, which motivates us to try our best to provide a warm and welcoming environment to all our students and create enough opportunity for them to understand their cultures and learn to be respectful towards it.

he Medical curriculum at TAU has been upgraded recently to encourage more integration and induct progressive and interactive learning. There is an emphasis on self-directed learning following “flipped classroom” model supported by small group interactive sessions to address the specific academic needs of individual students.

For the clinical training, we have clinical rotation sites available in Guyana, Philippines and the USA served by highly qualified and passionate clinical academic faculty. These hospitals provide a wide range and variety of clinical cases that our students are exposed to on daily basis and gives them ample opportunity to learn and practice clinical skills.

Our efforts are not limited to the campus only. In view of our commitment to community service, we ensure that our students get engaged in various community-based activities such as Community based Research, Old Age home visits, mobile clinic visits, and community awareness programs.

The aim at TAU COM is to provide our students an opportunity to grow not only as physicians but also good human beings by providing an environment of collaborative learning and mutual respect and help them discover a sense of purpose. It is an honor and pleasure to witness our graduates emerging as individuals sure of their knowledge and clinical skills with a healthy perspective towards life and a deep passion for medicine to serve humanity as a whole.

Dr. Dheeraj Bansal
Dean- College of Medicine
